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Super P Force Tablets

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Super P Force Tablets

  • Availability: In Stock
  • Active ingredient: Sildenafil Citrate, Dapoxetine
  • For Treating: Erectile Dysfunction Medication, Premature Ejaculation Treatment
  • Delivery: 4-7 Days

Super P Force tablets are a treatment created by Sunrise Remedies, used to treat two of the most common sexual dysfunctions found in men, erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). Super P Force tablets are licensed and approved through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a generic treatment, but what exactly does that mean?

Generic medicines are made using the same formula as a brand name original treatment after their patent expires, making it a legal process provided that it is sold under a different name. In this case, two formulas were copied; the formula for Viagra, the most famous ED treatment, and the formula for Priligy, the most prominent remedy for PE. Super P Force tablets contains 100 mg of sildenafil and 60 mg of dapoxetine.

How to Use and Store Super P Force Tablets

Take your Super P Force tablets orally on an empty stomach about 1 hour before you intend to have sex, as the treatment will require about that much time to fully kick in. After the medicine is absorbed into the bloodstream, it will display its peak effects for about 4 to 6 hours before the impact slowly diminishes. The results will gradually decrease over 24 hours until they are expelled entirely. 

This means that you might still get an improved erection when utilizing the residual effects. We advise you to refrain from taking another dose before the last pill passes through your system, as a second could result in a higher likelihood of experiencing side effects. 

Another essential factor that could play a role in how effective treatment will be is proper storage. Inadequate storage could result in Super P Force tablets losing some of its effectiveness. To help it retain its potency, keep it at room temperature, away from moisture, excess heat and direct sunlight. Additionally, make sure the storage spot is out of reach of children.

Super P Force Tablets vs Viagra

The primary difference between the brand name blue pill by Pfizer, and Super P Force tablets, is that one treats PE and ED while the other exclusively treats ED. The active ingredient used in the brand name counterpart is sildenafil, a member of the phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor medicine class. PDE5 inhibitors are almost always used to treat ED, but it does not do anything for men who struggle with PE.

On the other hand, Super P Force tablets also uses sildenafil and the exact same dosage strength as Viagra, considering it is made using the formula created by Pfizer. However, Super P Force tablets also contains dapoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), a medicine group typically used as antidepressants. 

As the SSRI medicine group affects serotonin levels, which has a heavy link to ejaculation, it can help with PE. Most SSRIs have very long durations and take exceptionally long before the effects are felt. With that said, dapoxetine is a special case, and offers a duration and onset that makes it suitable to be used in parallel with sildenafil, treating both conditions simultaneously.

Super P Force Tablets Side Effects 

Although Super P Force tablets are FDA approved for their safety and effectiveness, it is still a pharmaceutical, and like all, it does have the potential to cause a few side effects. However, the side effects are infrequent, mild, and short-lived, which is why it does not warrant major concern. 

The most common side effects appear in less than 2% of users and resemble common cold symptoms, like:

  • Headache
  • Flushing
  • Stuffy nose

However, if you experience these side effects, there is no need to fear because they will disappear as soon as your body adjusts to the medicine. If you would like to conduct further research on the side effects, their causes, and medicines that could interact after you buy Super P Force tablets, review the patient information leaflet on our website.

Before You Buy Super P Force Tablets 

There are limited options when getting your ED or even PE medicine from high-street pharmacies in the UK. To get ED medicine from high-street pharmacies, you can either get the classic blue pill by Pfizer or get Viagra Connect, but there are no generic versions, which means that you would need to leap through a few hoops. 

To get the classic pill, you will not be able to get it over the counter, and you can only get a private prescription for it. So even if you have a medical plan, it will provide no financial support. On the other hand, Viagra Connect is available over the counter. Still, it is a weaker product that only comes in 50 mg dosages and is much more expensive than generic options.

Alternatively, at our online pharmacy you can buy Super P Force tablets, prescription-free, and we even go the extra distance to make it as convenient for you as possible. 

Where Men Buy Super P Force Tablets Online

Regardless of whether you are a first-time buyer or if you are already knowledgeable on the topic of ED and PE medication, you now have all the information you need about Super P Force tablets. Simply click on buy Super P Force tablets to go to the product page, where you can select the amount you want to buy and add it to your cart. 

Go to the checkout page after adding it to your cart and use one of our secure payment options to complete the transaction. We take Bitcoin (BTC), bank transfers, MasterCard, and Visa. We will send you an email with the payment confirmation as soon as your payment is complete. The projected delivery date and the discreet name we will use on your bank statement will also be included in that email.

 If you experience any inconvenience with our service or product, or even if you are simply concerned about something, please contact our customer support centre. Our support team is adequately equipped, friendly and available 24/7 to ensure that you always have our full support.

Buy Super P Force tablets at for a greater product at an ever greater price.

Last Reviewed: 27th November 2024
Next Review Due: December 2025


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